Well I have returned to work for a few days a week until I find out if I get into uni. The work is the same as I left a year ago and it has convinced me that I really don't want to be a scientist for the rest of my life. Hopefully one of the other options pans out and I can get on with things.
With all this rain and heat the lawn has finally got out of control; so much so we had to buy a whipper-snipper to cut through the jungle that surrounds our house(how exciting!) to stop the wild animals breeding. Its a real beauty.
El is still slaving away working five days a week at her job, we're both paying off debts from our trip but its all good getting back to reality. It is a challenge for her being a qualified scientician again. I have weined myself off my ebay addiction, especially after being beaten a couple of times(boohoo). So much stuff yet so little time(and money).
It has been a funny week with mix of good and bad events, but you need to roll with the punches. Unfortunately a good friend of Els mother passed away, so El and her mum went to the funeral yesterday. She said it was a good service. On a happier note, some people we know had a baby. They are going to name it Eleanore(El thinks they should spell it the same way as her name, not some imposter way).
We are both well and hope everyone else is the same.
Geoff and El
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
Life in general

Us at the wedding

Hey everyone, life is getting back to normal. I think we are well and truly back in the real world after spending so many months in denial. El is back working full time and I am back a couple of days a week. I am still waiting on results to see whether I will get into dentistry, but I have to wait until January to find out which is a bit of a pain.Just to let people know our smugmug site will be finishing soon. I will be trying to upload photos to our blog so hopefully we will be able to add photos to not only new blogs but some of our old ones as well.We went out to show Els dad and Eleanor some of the photos we took at their wedding. We stayed for lunch and had a few games of kelly pool to pass the time away. El is at work today-I'm working a bit later this week so I'm the house boyfriend having to do all the cleaning/cooking/washing etc(as long as I can schedule it in between X-box sessions).I am trying to ween myself off my ebay addiction, slowly, one day at a time .Hope everyone is wellGeoff and El
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