Friday, December 29, 2006

A mammoth post...

It's been a while since we have posted any news so I guess now is a good a time as any.

On the 14th of Dec Geoff, Tony and I went to the Robbie Williams concert. This man really rocked Suncorp Stadium. He was running around, jumping and singing his little heart out for the full show, and kept us amused with all his arrogant antics. My favourite (although extremely daggy) song he did was Take That's "Want you back for good". What a blast from the past... Bron I'm sure you remember singing that with Megan don't you?!! The only downside to the evening was the crowds causing bottlenecks as they exited the stadium.

The following night we had our work Christmas party at the Carlton Crest in the city. This was the best work party I have ever been to! The food was excellent, the drinks were flowing (sort of) and I had a ball dancing the night away with heaps of other slightly inebriated people. Afterwards, since we had booked a room there, we only had to go up the elevator to crash for the evening. Perfect.

The following Thursday evening we had Christmas at my Mum's. I helped put up the tree and the deccies (read: I did most of it - slack brothers) and we had a yummy roast dinner. It was a shame Bron and Ben were on the other side of the world (we miss you guys)!!

On Saturday night we had Christmas at my Dad's. It was hot enough for a swim in the arvo, then we had a yummy cold meat and salad dinner.

On Sunday we drove down to Casino to have Christmas with Geoff's family. Sunday night we went to his Nanna's place and caught up with all his family on his Mum's side. The following day we spent at Geoff's parents for lunch and present giving. I think we ended up with more presents that what we gave... Santa was very kind this year. :-) It really wasn't hot enough for it but we had a water pistol fight. Always good fun.

While we were down in Casino we also went to a river at Evan's Head for a day of fishing and paddling. Yep, you heard right. Paddling. We were a little naughty and bought a kayak. It seats two people, and also had a cargo pod and a spot for a bag (or an esky). It was absolutely brilliant trying it out for the first time. Geoff and I took it out first and discovered that we can stay upright in it! I also took it out with Trina and also had a go by myself. Just awesome (pardon the pun). I am looking forward to trying in out in other waterways next week.

The other exciting thing that happened that day was that Craig caught a beauty of a flathead. This was very unexpected but very much appreciated. Geoff's Dad cooked it up for the brekky on the Thursday and it was absolutely delicious. So much nicer than the crap you buy at the supermarket!

Geoff and I also went for a trip to the Border Ranges National Park. We went on a short walk that wove around a creek and waterfall, and we also drove up to the Pinnacle. The view was spectacular, looking out to a massive valley and also Mt Warning. Such a beautiful part of the world that I had never seen before. I was also quite taken with all the birds around the place. There was heaps of Eastern Rosellas, brown pigeons and these beautiful blue and white-breasted pigeons. We also heard heaps of whip birds and bell birds. Definitely going back to camp there sometime soon!

We said our goodbyes to Geoff's family this morning and headed back to Brissy. I have one more week of holidays which is absolutely brilliant. Geoff is on holidays til February then he is into second year.

We hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and has a rocking New Year's celebrations. We are still debating about it but seem to be leaning towards a quiet New Year's. I think we need to back off a bit after too much Christmas cheer!

Oh, and by the way... do you like our moose on top of our tree? Makes a change from the usual angel or star hey? :-)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Blog Tiggy

Our friend Chris has tagged us for blog-tiggy. So here are 5 things you most likely do not know about the both of us (or perhaps you do?).

1. Geoff's favourite band is Queen (he has all the albums and that's a LOT).

2. As a child, Geoff was in the emergency department a lot and has more stitches than every year of his life.

3. Geoff has had leptospirosis (kissing too many cows) - Red Cross does not like him now.

4. Geoff does not drink any caffeine but goes a little crazy if he has any coke with his bourbon.

5. Geoff is a real history buff and knows seemingly insignificant details about WWI and II.

1. El is afraid of the dark and insists that the cupboard doors are closed before going to sleep at night (you never know what monsters lurk in there). I kid you not.

2. Some of El's T cells have been to France (but the rest of her hasn't). This was for doing a crystal structure of her T cell receptor and a picture of this is going to be published in Nature Immunology next year. (Sorry, that one was a bit nerdy.)

3. El much prefers winter to summer.

4. El does not have her ears (or any part of her) pierced and isn't too keen on getting it done.

5. El longs to be a better writer that what dribbles out on this blog.

As for who "is it" next, we wish to tag:
Bron and Ben,
Tash and Dunk and

Knock yourselves out guys. :-)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Have you ever?

Have you ever seen an exploded bullrush? Neither had I - it looks pretty cool hey? I collected it a few weekends ago while kayaking in a waterhole with my Mum and my Uncle Richard.

We had gone up to visit Richard at his bush block near Imbil. It was a hot day, and after doing some strenuous tractor work (not really - actually all I did was drive it up the small hill and sat and waited while Richard did all the controls to pick up some sawn-off logs!!) we went for a drive to a nearby creek. There was plenty of water in it, thanks to a recent release from the nearby dam. The water was cool and refreshing and this beautiful shade of green. There was so many birds around, and they were not fazed by our quiet paddling through the water. It was such a awesome experience, and has made me really, REALLY want to buy my own kayak and get back into it.

Later on in the evening we enjoyed a yummy lamb roast cooked on Richard's wood stove, and sat outside by a campfire, enjoying the quiteness of the bush. The next morning we ate breakfast in the same spot, and had a great view of king parrots, finches and other wild birds feeding on a nearby setup.

Richard also had some two week old chickens (about 15) that Mum and I were quite partial to picking up one or two for a cuddle. They are just so soft and sooky.

I promise to post again sooner rather than later. :-) Take care everyone.