Sunday, April 22, 2007

Easter Happenings

Happy (belated) Easter everyone. I hope it was a relaxing and fun time for all.

Easter this year was a little different for us. Normally we head off down to Casino to catch up with Geoff's family. It also involves heading to the beach with a spot of fishing during the day and spending the nights sleeping in their lounge room in front of a roaring pot-bellied stove. Well, we didn't head down to Casino this year. And I guess sleeping in front of a fire would have been madness anyway (what is with this weather - get cold already!!).

Instead we spent time at home. We went for two walks in Toohey Forest - one time we managed to head off the beaten track a bit and ended up on a dirt bike track which had us climbing up this very steep hill and walking through dry creek beds. We weren't too worried about getting lost when you still have mobile phone reception and can hear the SE freeway close by though!

We also took another kayaking trip to Hinze Dam. The other half of the dam which we hadn't explored turned out to be quite short in comparison. It did however have an awesome view of some mountain which made us pining for the Rocky Mountains. I know the sizes aren't really comparable though, but eh!

On the Saturday night we had a family dinner at my Dad's. It's always good to catch up with everyone. My brother Mark and his girlfriend Jenna are expecting at the end of next month... getting really close now guys!

On the Monday afternoon we went to Isla's naming ceremony. It was a great afternoon and Isla looked very cute in her white dress. We also caught up with Robbo who is back in Australia now. Isla is very close to walking. As the afternoon wore on, she was doing lots of unassisted steps that just got longer and longer in duration. What a champ!

Geoff had a nice week off over Easter and managed to fit a bit of fishing in between some study. He's back at uni now and has a busy week ahead of him with two exams.

Not much more to say so will finish up here. Hope everyone is well!