You know you've had a good break when two days feels more like a week. :-) We are hoping to go camping again in September so I'm looking forward to that.
Hope everyone is well. :-)
What started out as a travel journal of our around the world trip is now an account of our travel through life. Geoff is now studying dentistry coming to terms with being a mature age student. El is Geoff's sugar mumma slaving away as a qualified scientician. Enjoy our mundane existence and comment if you like (it boosts our ego).
You know you've had a good break when two days feels more like a week. :-) We are hoping to go camping again in September so I'm looking forward to that.
Hope everyone is well. :-)
Well. Its been far too long since we put stuff up on this blog. It is even harder now that the keyboard has died after having red wine spilt in it. We are constantly fighting the 1 key and the 2 key wants no part of it either.
I have recently turned very old(according to El) and turned the big 30. My eyes and bones feel the age, I got new be-spectacles and feel smart now but this cold weather is wreaking havoc with me old bones.
At least at uni where I spend the far majority of my time, the kiddies keep me feeling young, just like a spring chicken. El says I am rambling but she doesn’t have the wisdom that only comes with the age that I have.
I survived my first semester of second year. It has been more full on than I thought it would be. We spent six weeks doing anatomy of the entire head and neck and had to try to memorise all the little branches of all the arteries, all the veins, all the muscles, all the nerves, all the bones, all the connections and so on. Then we had to do other parts learning about the heart, a crash course in pharmacology and respiration and so on and so forth. We had exams at the end of the 1st semester and a third of the class failed the exams for this one subject. Luckily I wasn’t one of them and don’t have to sit any supps.
But that’s enough on uni, El is sitting here pestering me to talk about camping.
After my exams we went down to northern NSW to go camping with friends. Tash and Dunk and their little girl and Julissa and Jason and kids came down to go camping at Bundjalung national park.
The days leading up to our camping trip were wet and miserable and unfortunately the camping trip weather wise was not much better. WE did get two days of semi-dry camping in before torrential rain and cold temperatures drove us away. Poor Julissa and Jason’s tent turned into a shower on the 1st night so we rigged up a tarp to protect them the next night.
We pretty much had the entire campground to ourselves except for the other brave souls that were out in the elements. One night the group of us sat around the fire with umbrellas trying to enjoy the atmosphere. There is only so much cold that the fire and green ginger wine can take away when your back is wet and it is cold.
It was Dunk and Tash’s first camping trip with Isla and hopefully they were not too traumatized by the experience. It was still a great trip though. Better weather would be nice, but at least we set up camp when it was dry. Pulling everything down in the rain was a bit annoying, and the kids loved being in the rain.
Besides, I don’t know if we had enough beer to last another night anyway.
So here we are now, back in Brissy. I’m back into the swing of uni reliving my nightmares of T cells etc as I endure Immunology lectures. So much detail. Seems so crappy and irrelevant. El had a fun day mashing up mouse livers. She is glad the week is over.
That’s enough crazy old man ranting now.
See you later dudes.
Geoff( El is sitting here being the punctuation police- but I don’t care,./)…!