Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Hello. We survived New York City. We had a shared dorm in a so-so hostel that was really overpriced.We stayed in the upper west side of manhattan which was really good and close to most things in downtown new york. New York was a cool place to visit-but there are so many people that we started to get the shits with it all. We visited the statue of liberty and saw the empire state building. On the way to the statue of liberty on the ferry we had a coast guard escort, machine guns and all.
Any major tourist building that you went into you had to go through a series of security checks.
We rode the subway a couple of times and went to times square. Even on a sunday there were probably 4 times more people than you see in Brisbane on a weekday in peak hour. The drivers and the pedestrians are crazy-a lot of horn honking going on. There are even signs posted warning of a $350 fine for honking.
We caught a 4.5hr bus trip to Washington D.C last night and are staying at a hostel in Takoma Park, on the outskirts of the CBD. We had to do laundry in the heat yesterday(it is about 35C or so) and there is only so much recycling of clothes that you can do.
Today we are going to check out a few things in D.C, hopefully the whitehouse Etc which should be good.
We are due to fly to London in about 3 days and catch up with some friends so hopefully that won't be too scary for us. We are a little hesitant but we will visit and try to keep a low profile.
Besides the heat, America is expensive! Even without the conversion you pay a lot for a little. It makes you appreciate the cost of living back home. We are getting about 70 cents to the dollar over here so things can get quite expensive when they show up on the credit card statement.
Oh well, it might be good training for the uk.
Talk again soon.
All the best
Geoff and El

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