Wednesday, August 09, 2006

This and that

Hey dear readers, I know it's been a while so here goes my attempt at entertaining you for at least 30 seconds.. :-)

Last weekend we caught with some former work mates - Julissa, Yvonne and Angela. We all had a yummy lunch at the Bull and Cactus and found out that Yvonne is pregnant, she and hubby Charles are expecting in February next year! She is looking really good and even has a bump to show for it. :-)

Now onto something completely different. Work has been absolutely crappy lately. I can't really go into any detail because you all know where I work and that would be bad. I sometimes wish I had an anonymous blog and then I could rant and rave all I want. :-) The good thing is that I am taking this Friday off and we are heading down to Casino to visit Geoff's folks for a long weekend. Geoff's brother Craig is playing an all important "finals make or break" game of rugby on Saturday so we will be there to cheer him on. It's also so nice just to get away from the big smoke for a bit. Brisbane is just too crowded sometimes!!

To finish up, I want to share a work email that the building engineer sent to everyone a few weeks ago now. Sorry to whoever has already seen this (hi Tash and Kath!) but it was so funny. Take care everyone. :-)

It would appear that someone has taken a liking to our shower curtains in CBCRC to the extent that 3 have now been removed.
I was not aware that these were a sought after collectors item as they are readily available from all leading hardware stores!!!!
I have now ordered new ones and these will be installed upon receipt, so no more emails please. Please direct all your energies to catching THE CURTAIN BANDIT as he or she is the one causing you the inconvenience.
If THE CURTAIN BANDIT wishes to contact me I can direct them to the appropriate supplier and they can try paying for one!!!!!!!

1 comment:

earthkissed said...

:) That is a funny email.... I hope you owned up straight away to stealing the curtains.