Monday, February 26, 2007


Bec, as promised, here are some photos of my Mum's pet chooks. The fluffy one on the left is Sydney (a Silky) and the other one is Star (a Silver Spangled Hamburg).

No I didn't make up the name of the latter breed. It really does exist. :-)

And below shows their fighter nature. Not surprisingly, they both ended up being roosters and had to go back to my Uncle's farm, unfortunately. I hear they are both quite happy there though. :-)


Bron said...

Wicked!!! Fight, fight, fight...

Nice action shots there, whoever is the photographer.

Been enjoying your blogs about going kayaking - I hear 5am starts to head down to Currumbin have been in order. Yikes :)

Hopefully you will be home this coming weekend as I might give you a call to chitty chat.

Love and hugs,

earthkissed said...

They are great action shots of the roosters!! They are very cute:) I wish I could have chickens, but they don't go that well in a townhouse. Hope all is well. Thanks for putting up hte photos

Anonymous said...

..... bit behind in the blogging :) (not that we are not either!) but how was your birthday!?