Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Hi everyone, another day here in lovely Jasper. Today I am on one of my days off and El is slaving away at the hill. The saturday just gone was the busiest day at the hill since 1988. We had over four thousand people there. Line ups were huge and there were people coming out of the woodwork. It was a good day though. Yesterday was quiet in comparison. I worked in customer service stuff this weekend. Hopefully it continues- the days aren't guaranteed yet but they really do need someone there at least on saturdays. We are still sliding all over the footpaths when we walk and at work on saturday I had another tumble cause I was carrying some big luggage to a trailer over some ice. I bruised my little finger but it seems to have disappeared now(the bruise not my finger).
Will keep everyone posted on our events- hope everyone is not too hot. It is about +6C today so nice and warm by jasper standards. It should drop to -20C or so in the next few days. It hasn't snowed for about a week and we really want it to so it will be easier to walk around.
Bye for now
Geoff and El

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