Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Back to uni

I am in my second week of uni now. I am doing first year subjects and although everyone tells me I should be able to get credit, I don't particularly want to. Even though I will be paying more hecs, I need to get my brain working again. It has been a decade since I did these subjects and to have to go straight into second year dentistry without having time to adjust to studying seems a little daunting.
My entire first week left me drained. I actually paid attention in lectures which in itself seemed to deplete most of my glucose reserves. I am trying not to sleep in lectures like I used to in my first degree, but when you have statistics at 8am it can be a little dificult.
Adjusting to life at uni again is only proving to be difficult when it comes to study. I got in trouble after my first day of lectures because I had a beer instead of hitting the books. I explained to El that drinking beer and being a student go hand in hand so she let it slide. I just don't know how many times I will get away with it.
At the moment the subjects are fairly mundane, 1st year biology, statistics, chemistry and physics. I am getting used to being one of the older students, possibly the oldest. They are a few other mature aged students in dentistry, but I still think I am at least a couple of years older. One guy is actually doing dentistry after med to do maxillo-facillary stuff. He must be super keen.
It is El's B'day today and she said she feels old. I just tell her how old I am and that seems to cheer her up.
I haven't broken my ties with research just yet, I'm working casually to get a bit of pocket money but I will see how that goes as the year progresses.

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