Sunday, June 18, 2006

Things I have learnt

We had a work trivia night on Friday... what a hoot. It was great fun getting to know some of my lab members (and significant others) a bit better. Although our team "The Tragically Hip" (no, I don't really get it either - someone else named us) didn't win, or come even second (but we weren't last either!) I learnt a lot of useless information.

1) John Howard's middle name is Winston (is that a bit presumptious to name your child after a former politician? Apparently George Dubuya's middle name is Washington as well).

2) The Rabbitohs have won the most Rugby League Premierships.

3) Archer was the name of the horse that won the first two Melbourne cups.

4) Kangaroo is the first Australian aboriginal word to be incorporated into the English language.

So there you go.

1 comment:

Bron said...

Pssst...if you said "I don't know who or what the Tragically Hip are.." over here in Canada you would get shot down in flames...funny stuff! :)

They are a Canadian band (if you didn't already know).

Also, I had never noticed the new title/intro thingy at the top of your blog - very funny (you sugar mumma you).

Talk soon,
Love Bron